
Ukrepi in omejitve na Ljubljana Open 2021

Zaradi epidemije Covid-19 bodo tudi na turnirju Ljubljana Open 2021 veljali ukrepi, ki veljajo tudi na tekmah 1. lige NZS. 

Glede na omejitve za gledalce na javnih prireditvah smo se odločili, da bomo v soboto omogočili zastonj testiranje za tiste, ki ne izpolnjujejo nobenega od spodaj navedenih pogojev. Brezplačno testiranje bo potekalo v ŠP Ljubljana med 9:30 in 12:00 uro. Namenjeno je predvsem staršem, ki si bodo želeli v živo ogledati tekme. Po testiranju bodo negativni prejeli zapestnico. 

Pogoji za udeležbo gledalcev: 


1. negativni rezultat testa na virus SARS-CoV-2, ki ni starejši od 72 ur od prejema rezultata (hitri ali PCR test)

2 .dokazilo o pozitivnem rezultatu testa PCR, ki je starejši od 10 dni, vendar ni starejši od šest mesecev, ali potrdilo zdravnika, da je oseba prebolela COVID-19 (od začetka simptomov ne sme miniti več kot šest mesecev)

3. preteklo od prejema: 

- drugega odmerka cepiva Comirnaty proizvajalca Biontech/Pfizer najmanj sedem dni,

- drugega odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine proizvajalca Moderna najmanj 14 dni,

- prvega odmerka cepiva Vaxzevria (COVID-19 Vaccine) proizvajalca AstraZeneca najmanj 21 dni,

- odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen proizvajalca Johnson in Johnson/Janssen-Cilag najmanj 14 dni,

- prvega odmerka cepiva Covishield proizvajalca Serum Institute of India/AstraZeneca najmanj 21 dni,

- drugega odmerka cepiva Sputnik V proizvajalca Russia’s Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology preteklo najmanj 14 dni, 

- drugega odmerka cepiva CoronaVac proizvajalca Sinovac Biotech najmanj 14 dni ali 

- drugega odmerka cepiva COVID-19 Vaccine proizvajalca Sinopharm najmanj 14 dni.

4. dokazilo iz zgornje 2. točke, ki so se v obdobju do največ osem mesecev od pozitivnega rezultata testa PCR oziroma od začetka simptomov, cepili z enim od cepiv iz 3. točke, pri čemer v primeru cepiv iz prve in druge alineje iz prejšnje točke zadostuje en odmerek.

Za mlajše od 18 let pravilo PCT ne velja, če so v spremstvu staršev oz. skrbnikov. V primeru samostojnega prihoda na tekmo morajo izpolnjevati ta pogoj!

Dokazila o testiranju se upoštevajo, če so bila izdana v državah članicah Evropske unije, državah članicah schengenskega območja, Avstraliji, Izraelu, Kanadi, Novi Zelandiji, Ruski federaciji, Srbiji, Turčiji, Združenem kraljestvu Velike Britanije in Severne Irske ali Združenih državah Amerike.

Ves čas prireditve je obvezna uporaba obrazne maske. Potrebno je spoštovanje medsebojne razdalje 1.5m (te razdalje ni potrebno upoštevati ko sedite), upoštevanje sedežnega reda ter razkuževanje rok ob vstopu in na samem stadionu. 


There are some restrictions in Slovenia when it comes to atending live events. The restrictions for the spectators are listed bellow.

The spectators have to provide one of the following if asked to:

1. Negative test result for SARS-CoV-2 that is not older than 72 hours from receipt of the result (rapid antigen test or PCR test)

2. Certificate confirming positive PCR test result that is older than 10 days, but not older than six months, or medical certificate of person's COVID-19 recovery status (not older than six months from the onset of symptoms)

3. Certificate of the holder's COVID-19 vaccination, which confirms that:

- at least seven days have passed since the second dose of the Comirnaty vaccine by Biontech/Pfizer,

- at least 14 days have passed since the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by Moderna,

- at least 21 days have passed since the first dose of the Vaxzevria (COVID-19 vaccine) by AstraZeneca,

- at least 14 days have passed since the dose of the COVID-19 vaccine Janssen by Johnson & Johnson/Janssen-Cilag,

- at least 21 days have passed since the first dose of the Covishield vaccine by the Serum Institute of India/AstraZeneca,

- at least 14 days have passed since the second dose of the Sputnik V vaccine by Russia's Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology,

- at least 14 days have passed since the second dose of the CoronaVac vaccine by Sinovac Biotech, or

- at least 14 days have passed since the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by Sinopharm.

4. Evidence referred to in point 2 are taken into account, if person have been vaccinated with one of the vaccines referred to in a point 3 within maximum period of eight months from the positive PCR test result or from the onset of symptoms. In the case of vaccines referred to in the first and second indent of previous point, one dose of vaccine is sufficient.

For persons under the age of 18 are excluded from the RVT condition, if they are accompanied by parents or legal guardians. In case of their independent match participation, they must fulfil this condition!

Evidence is taken into account if they have been issued in an EU Member State or a Schengen Area country, Australia, Israel, Canada, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or the United States of America.

The use of protective face masks is mandatory throughout the event. The social distance between participants should be at least 1,5 meters (unless seated), seating order must be observed and regular hand disinfection at the entrance and rest of stadium area should be maintained.